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April 2006
ISSN 1011-7571
EISSN 1423-0151
In this Issue
Medical Principles and Practice 2006, Vol. 15, No. 3
Trends in Prosthodontics
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 167–179.
Original Paper
The Kuwait Cataract Outcome Study: A 12-Month Evaluation
Subject Area:
General Medicine
S. Abdelmoaty; A.M. Behbehani; A. Aljazzaf; N. Grigis; E. Eslah; T. Marouf; S. Almuteri; Y. Alzafiri
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 180–184.
Physicians’ Perceptions and Expectations of Pharmacists’ Professional Duties in Government Hospitals in Kuwait
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 185–189.
The Prevalence of Neuropathy and Relationship with Risk Factors in Diabetic Patients: A Single-Center Experience
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Ali Tamer; Serpil Yildiz; Nebil Yildiz; Mustafa Kanat; Huseyin Gunduz; Mustafa Tahtaci; Harika Celebi
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 190–194.
Smoking Prevalence and Its Effect on Dental Health Attitudes and Behavior among Dental Students
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 195–199.
Seasonal and Temporal Variations in the Population and Biting Habit of Mosquitoes on the Atlantic Coast of Lagos, Nigeria
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 200–208.
Impact of Operator on Determining Functional Parameters of Nuclear Medicine Procedures
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 209–214.
Persistence, Recurrence, and Progression Rates of Superficial Bladder Tumours after Resection Using the Differentiated Technique
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 215–218.
Comparative Evaluation of BacT/ALERT 3D and BACTEC Systems for the Recovery of Pathogens Causing Bloodstream Infections
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 223–227.
Case Report
Comorbidity of Constrictive Pericarditis and Hemophilia A
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Ergun Demiralp; Rifat Eralp Ulusoy; Ata Kirilmaz; Bekir Sitki Cebeci; Nezihi Kucukarslan; Namik Ozmen; Mustafa Aparci
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 228–231.
Varicella-Associated Purpura Fulminans: Chicken Pox Is Not Always Benign
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 232–234.
Disseminated Penicillium marneffei Infection with Fungemia and Endobronchial Disease in an AIDS Patient in China
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 235–237.
Moyamoya Syndrome with Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 238–241.
Unilateral Diaphragm Paralysis Possibly Due to Cervical Spine Involvement in Multiple Myeloma
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (3): 242–244.