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Journal Articles
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (2017) 27 (6): 356–362.
Published Online: 17 January 2018
...Eugene Y. Wu; Angela K. Hilliker Rifampicin is an effective antibiotic against mycobacterial and other bacterial infections, but resistance readily emerges in laboratory and clinical settings. We screened Escherichia coli for rifampicin resistance and identified numerous mutations to the gene...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (2003) 5 (2): 105–122.
Published Online: 09 May 2003
... expression of the target, rpoB, as well as several genes involved in nucleotide salvage and purine biosynthesis. The addition of ampicillin resulted in overall changes in gene expression that showed some similarity to changes induced by rifampin. The addition of the antibiotics kanamycin or norfloxacin...