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Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Editor: Vrana, K.E. (Hershey, PA, USA)

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Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids is a peer-reviewed journal offering an international forum to present and discuss recent advances in the rapidly developing and challenging field of the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids. It seeks to bridge the gap between empirical and evidence-based clinical medicine by covering current basic and applied as well as translational research topics. In addition to original papers, reviews, and mini-reviews, this journal features short communications, case reports, technical notes, letters, and conference proceedings.

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Call for Papers

Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes in Medical Cannabis: Unlocking the Potential
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025


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CCORC 2025: Call for Abstracts and Session Proposals

Submission Deadline: February 19, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

The Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research is now accepting abstracts and session proposal submissions for the fifth annual Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference (CCORC) on May 29-30, 2025.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and top abstracts will be invited for oral presentations. All abstracts accepted by the conference will be published in Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids.

Abstracts and posters submitted by students will be considered for awards presented on the final day of the conference. Student presenters from Consortium member universities are eligible to apply for travel support.

Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

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Building on the success of previous Swiss cannabis congresses, IMCCB-25 aspires to bring together a diverse assembly of leading researchers, clinicians, industry professionals, and other experts and opinion leaders from around the world. The conference takes place at the University of Bern, Switzerland, February 13–14, 2025.

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Logo CANNabinoid Drug Interaction Review

New Tool for Evaluating Potential Drug-Drug Interactions Based on Cannabinoids

CANNabinoid Drug Interaction Review (CANN-DIR®), developed at Penn State College of Medicine, is intended to evaluate for potential drug-drug interactions based on the cannabinoids (THC & CBD) affecting the metabolism of OTHER concomitantly prescribed medications. This tool has been developed for use by healthcare providers, patients, caregivers, and interested community members. Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids has published a product review on this tool: Drug Interaction Review (CANN-DIR), utilizing research published in the review Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Drug-Drug Interactions, appearing earlier in the journal.

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