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Keywords: Renal dysfunction
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Kidney Blood Press Res (2014) 39 (1): 40–49.
Published Online: 03 June 2014
...Ha-Na Kim; Se-Hong Kim; Sang-Wook Song Background/Aims: We examined relationships between the average amount of daily alcohol intake, drinking patterns, and renal dysfunction among South Korean adultsaged ≥ 20 years. Methods: The analysis used data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition...
Journal Articles
Kidney Blood Press Res (2012) 35 (3): 137–146.
Published Online: 19 November 2011
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Renal transporter Renal dysfunction Hypomagnesemia Hypercholesterolemia Magnesium TRPM6 Renal hemodynamic Original Paper Kidney Blood Press Res 2012;35:137 146 DOI: 10.1159...
Journal Articles
Kidney Blood Press Res (2001) 24 (2): 116–123.
Published Online: 29 June 2001
... oxygen and its derivatives, known collectively as reactive oxygen species, which may contribute to progressive renal dysfunction. In the present study, we assess the contribution of oxidative stress in the development of salt-dependent hypertensive nephrosclerosis. Going beyond previous end point studies...