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1996 2004
ISSN 1420-4096
EISSN 1423-0143
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-10 (1978-1987) were published under the journal's former title Renal Physiology and Vol. 11-18 (1988-1995) under Renal Physiology and Biochemistry.
Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1996, Vol. 19, No. 1
Special Section
Impact of Nitric Oxide on Renal Hemodynamics and Glomerular Function: Modulation by Atherogenic Lipoproteins?
Kidney Blood Press Res (2004) 19 (1): 2–15.
Original Paper
Diurnal Pattern of Sodium Excretion in Dogs with and without Chronically Reduced Renal Perfusion Pressure
Kidney Blood Press Res (2004) 19 (1): 16–23.
Role of Vasopressin V2 Receptor in Acute Regulation of Aquaporin-2
Matsuhiko Hayashi; Sei Sasaki; Hirohiko Tsuganezawa; Toshiaki Monkawa; Waichi Kitajima; Kohnosuke Konishi; Kiyohide Fushimi; Fumiaki Marumo; Takao Saruta
Kidney Blood Press Res (2004) 19 (1): 32–37.
Is the Increase in Renal Papillary Phospholipid Biosynthesis a Protective Mechanism against Injury?
Clara P. Setton-Avruj; Maria del Carmen Fernández-Tomé; Armando Negri; Adriana Scerbo; Elvira Arrizurieta; Norma B. Sterin-Speziale
Kidney Blood Press Res (2004) 19 (1): 38–45.
Further Section
Abstracts of the 19th Meeting of the Scientific Section of the German Hypertension Society
Kidney Blood Press Res (2004) 19 (1): 47–70.