The Ehrlich ascites tumor cell has been used as a model of an unspecialized mammalian cell, in an attempt to disclose the mechanisms involved in the regulation of cellular water and salt content. In hypotonic medium Ehrlich cells initially swell as nearly perfect osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume within about 10 min with an associated net loss of KC1, amino acids, taurine and cell water. The net loss of KCl takes place mainly via separate, conductive K+ and Cl- transport pathways, and the net loss of taurine through a passive leak pathway. Ca2+ and calmodulin appear to be involved in the activation of the K+ and Cl- channels, as well as the taurine leak pathway. In hypertonic medium Ehrlich cells initially shrink as osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume with an associated net uptake of KCl and water. In this case, the net uptake of KC1 is the result of the activation of an electroneutral, Na+- and Cl-dependent cotransport system with subsequent replacement of cellular Na+ by extracellular K+ via the Na+/K+ pump. In the present review we describe the ion and taurine transporting systems which have been identified in the plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. We have emphasized the selectivity of these transport pathways and their activation mechanisms. Finally, we propose a model for the activation of the conductive K+ and Cl- transport pathways in Ehrlich cells which includes Ca2+, leukotrienes, and inositol phosphate as intracellular second messengers.