The obese Zucker rat (OZR) manifests multiple risk factors for impaired cerebrovascular function, including hypertension and insulin resistance although how they combine to produce integrated vascular function is unclear. As studies have suggested that myogenic activation (MA) severity for middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) may be proportional to hypertension severity, we hypothesized that MA will negatively correlate with dilator reactivity in OZR. MA of MCA from OZR was divided into low, medium, and high based on the slope of MA, while MCA reactivity and vascular metabolite bioavailability were assessed in all groups. Endothelium-dependent dilation of MCA in OZR was attenuated and correlated with the MA slope. Treatment of OZR MCA with TEMPOL (antioxidant) improved dilation in low or medium MA groups, but had less impact on high MA. Alternatively, treatment with gadolinium to normalize MA in OZR had reduced impact on dilator reactivity in MCA from low and medium MA groups, but improved responses in the high group. Treatment with both agents resulted in dilator responses that were comparable across all groups. These results suggest that, under conditions with stronger MA, endothelial function may receive some protection despite the environment, potentially from the ability of MCA to reduce wall tension despite increased pressure.