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Keywords: Rhesus monkey
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1972) 1 (4): 230–240.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Rhesus monkey Placental variants...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1977) 6 (6): 337–343.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... on the remaining five monkeys with increased seizure proneness revealed depressed skull fractures with cortical trauma in fourandaneoplasminone.Presumably,these factors were responsible for the lowered seizure susceptibility to photic stimulation and pentylenetetrazol activation. Rhesus monkey Photic...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1979) 8 (4): 244–251.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...D.L. Hess; K. Matayoshi; C.A. Baker; A.G. Hendrickx Antenatal sex was correctly identified in 87.5% of the rhesus monkeys studied by evaluation of sex chromatin bodies in the exfoliated cells present in amniotic fluid. Fluid samples were obtained by either amniocentesis, amnioscopy, or by cesarean...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1979) 8 (4): 252–256.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Estsuro Uemura; Wallance D. Houser; Carolyn J. Cupp Gross and microscopic features closely resembling those found in Menetrier’s disease in man are described in a 20-month-old rhesus monkey. The gastric lining was characterized by greatly enlarged rugae caused by mucosal hypertrophy and hyperplasia...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1980) 9 (6): 335–342.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...S. Mehta; C.K. Nain; N.K. Relan; H.K. Kalsi An experimental model of protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) has been successfully produced in young rhesus monkeys. The model showed close resemblance to the energy kinetics of the brain as observed in human PCM inasmuch as oxygen consumption...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1980) 9 (1-2): 62–70.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...C.L. Milhaud; M.J. Klein; M.C. Merkel A new restraining chair for rhesus monkeys is described. Its unique value resides in its special design: animal comfort, safety of handling personnel, easy handling,simple construction, light weight, strength, easy maintenance. 11 8 2017 1980...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1980) 9 (1-2): 28–38.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...J. Comte-Devolx; G. Vuillon-Cacciuttol; E. Balzamo; J. Bert; D. Gambarelli; P. de Micco; J. Tamalet Serial neurologic examinations of six rhesus monkeys inoculated with a strain of kuru revealed complex clinical signs falling into two distinct syndromes. Experimental kuru in the rhesus monkey...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1980) 9 (1-2): 83–87.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Wladyslaw W. Socha; Salamia G. Lasano A rhesus monkey family is described in which a group A offspring was born from a group AB mother and a group B male parent. Discovery of A and O genes in rhesus monkeys indicates that this species of macaques is polymorphic for the A-B-0 blood groups...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1980) 9 (1-2): 39–49.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...C.P. Puri; V. Puri; T.C. Anand Kumar An in vitro bioassay method using Leydig cells from mouse testes has been validated for quantitating luteinizing hormone (LH) in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) of normally menstruating and ovariectomized rhesus monkeys. In all six normally menstruating...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1977) 6 (1): 23–32.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
..., but were highest in the tongue, biceps brachii and deltoideus. Adult worms were recovered from the intestine 49 days PI. The morphological changes were essentially similar to those seen in humans and a generalized lymphoid hyperplasia was not observed. Thus, rhesus monkeys develop trichinosis which show...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1977) 6 (4): 237–244.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...B.L. Geistfeld; M.G. Bond; R.W.St. Clair In this report we describe the development of cholelithiasis in a male rhesus monkey fed a cholesterol-containing diet for 24 months. This represents the only case of cholelithiasis in this species of nonhuman primate that we have observed out...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1978) 7 (1): 1–7.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Jeffrey L. Miller; Shirley Gee; Robert I. Krieger; Boris H. Ruebner Closed needle liver biopsy routinely provides 60-100 mg tissue from rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). No mortality or morbidity was observed in over 400 needle biopsies during a two-year period in which some monkeys were biopsied...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1978) 7 (4): 202–212.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Mark E. Wilson; Thomas P. Gordon; Irwin S. Bernstein Analysis of six years of birth records (228 potential reproductive years) from 71 female rhesus monkeys, housed in social groups in outdoor compounds, revealed several variables which influenced the reproductive pattern. The timing of conception...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1981) 10 (4-5): 228–293.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...D.E. Bowers Jr.; N.A. Connors; M.S. Cannon Female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) received fractionated doses of orthovoltage irradiation to the submandibular and sublingual glands. Changes in the glands varied from serous cell degranulation and degeneration in the submandibular glands to acinar...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1973) 2 (6): 353–363.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...C.H. Poon; D.L. Moyer; R.V. Forino; S.T. Shaw An improved method of measuring menstrual blood loss (MBL) in rhesus monkeys is developed and appears to be accurate within ± 10% of actual loss. MBL and intraindividual variations of MBL are measured in three groups of captive rhesus monkeys: intact...
Journal Articles
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1973) 2 (3-4): 190–194.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...H.M. McClure; Barbara Olberding; L.M. Strozier Disseminated herpesvirus infection is recorded in a rhesus monkey. Lesions consisted of ulcerative stomatitis, esophageal and gastric ulcers, and necrosis in the liver, spleen and adrenals. Intranuclear inclusions were found in epithelial cells...
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Journal of Medical Primatology (1973) 2 (3-4): 170–189.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...R.E. Myers; M. Panigel The effects of interrupting the maternal blood flow through the secondary placental disc in the rhesus monkey are reported. In cases where detachment of the secondary disc led to death of the fetus and, thus, to a cessation also of the fetal circulation, the detached...