Influenza A viruses (IAV) cause respiratory tract infections annually associated with excess mortality and morbidity. Nonspecific, innate immune mechanisms play a key role in protection against viral invasion at early stages of infection. A soluble protein present in mucosal secretions of the lung, surfactant protein D (SP-D), is an important component of this initial barrier that helps to prevent and limit IAV infections of the respiratory epithelium. This collagenous C-type lectin binds IAVs and thereby inhibits attachment and entry of the virus but also contributes to enhanced clearance of SP-D-opsonized virus via interactions with phagocytic cells. In addition, SP-D modulates the inflammatory response and helps to maintain a balance between effective neutralization/killing of IAV, and protection against alveolar damage resulting from IAV-induced excessive inflammatory responses. The mechanisms of interaction between SP-D and IAV not only depend on the structure and binding properties of SP-D but also on strain-specific features of IAV, and both issues will be discussed. SP-D from pigs exhibits distinct anti-IAV properties and is discussed in more detail. Finally, the potential of SP-D as a prophylactic and/or therapeutic antiviral agent to protect humans against infections by IAV is discussed.

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