Three open studies with Lenperone were performed. 50 hospitalized schizophrenic patients were treated 20-30 days with Lenperone. The therapeutic effective dose was 30-50 mg/day. The highest daily dosage was 90 mg. Patients were examined on fixed observation days and the findings were documented by means of the AMP system. AMP data were analyzed at symptom and syndrome level and compared using an analysis of covariance. In the described dosage Lenperone acted only little sedating, strong antipsychotic and caused only a few single extrapyramidal and little autonomic side effects. The dosage is limited because of the effect on heart and blood circulation. Lenperone caused a good improvement of depressive symptoms in the schizophrenic patients. Lenperone was well tolerated and showed a rapid onset of its antipsychotic effect. It caused a steady improvement of productive schizophrenic symptoms. For better knowledge of the profile of the effects of Lenperone, a trial in depressive paranoid syndromes, for example schizoaffective psychoses, would be interesting; a doubleblind trial in comparison to a well-known antipsychotic substance would be very useful.