The dynamic correlation between auditory hallucination and monologue,which could not be clinically made clear so far, was brought into existence through the LSD psychotherapeutic situation of chronic hallucinatory schizophrenia. The analysis of monologue and its correlated bodily automovements opens a new way to experimental approach to one aspect of hallucination in schizophrenics. 1. Ambivalent intention to communicate with others was found to hide behind monologue in autistic life space. Auditory hallucination appeared at the moment of crisis when autistic life space was broken down by patient’s intention to modify it into an ambivalent one, the proof of which was the vanishing of monologue. 2. With repeated LSD administrations to patients who had been in the later stages of psychotherapy, the nature of monologue threw off its mask, auditory hallucination was gradually absorbed in two directions of contiuum of life space as follows:a) In the case of long-term-hospitalized male patients, hallucination could not appear any more in the reconstructed autistic life space. Through LSD psychotherapeutic situation, where the attending therapist was modified to appear like a gentle mother under the influence of ‘LSD Physiognomisierung’, sucking-like automovement of hands and mouth and monologue were induced. The delusion of persecution was then replaced by that of protection. b) In another case, all schizophrenic symptoms including auditory hallucination disappeared in the realistic life space, thus a real contact with others was made possible. Monologue as well as movements which looked like a redemptive act were induced with realistic meaning. 3. The dynamic correlation between auditory hallucination and monologue in schizophrenia under LSD psychotherapy gives a base for us to consider it as a synesthesia between movement and perception in a wide sense. Auditory hallucination as well as monologue are deprived of the ‘leibliche virtuelle Bewegtheit’. The hallucinatory character of auditory hallucination is correlated fundamentally with‘Bewegtheit’.