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Keywords: Woodchuck hepatitis virus
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Journal Articles
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Intervirology (1995) 38 (1-2): 100–112.
Published Online: 30 July 2008
...M. Roggendorf; T.K. Tolle Since the discovery of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) in 1978, the virus and its host, the American woodchuck, have been studied and used as the most suitable model for human hepatitis B virus infection. WHV is closely related to the human virus, having strong...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Intervirology (2001) 44 (2-3): 154–161.
Published Online: 08 August 2001
... to test vaccine candidates is the woodchuck chronically infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV); the woodchuck can be superinfected with HDV and shows a course of infection similar to that of patients. Different strategies have been investigated to establish a protective vaccine against HDV...
Journal Articles
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Intervirology (2001) 44 (2-3): 124–131.
Published Online: 08 August 2001
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Woodchuck Woodchuck hepatitis virus T-cell responses Vaccination Intervirology 2001;44:124 131 Evaluation of New Approaches to Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccinations...