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Keywords: Virus-like particle
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Intervirology (2016) 58 (6): 363–368.
Published Online: 25 February 2016
...Yong-Ning Deng; Jun-Yan Zeng; Hua Su; Qiu-Min Qu Virus-like particle (VLP) of JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) is capable of packaging and delivering exogenous DNA into human cells and can be used for mediating therapeutic gene expression. However, many human cells express the JCPyV receptor. Thus, wild...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Intervirology (1996) 39 (1-2): 40–48.
Published Online: 30 July 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Human immunodeficiency virus Pseudovirion Immunoelectron microscopy Baculovirus Virus-like particle Particulate vaccines Intervirology Intervirology 1996;39:40-48 Gregory J. Tobin Kunio Nagashima Matthew A. Gouda Laboratory...
Journal Articles