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October 2013
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ISSN 0300-5526
EISSN 1423-0100
In this Issue
Intervirology 2013, Vol. 56, No. 6
Title Page / Table of Contents
Subject Area:
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 343–346.
A Need to Discover the World of Giant Viruses
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 347–348.
TRUC or the Need for a New Microbial Classification
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 349–353.
A Decade of Improvements in Mimiviridae and Marseilleviridae Isolation from Amoeba
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Isabelle Pagnier; Dorine-Gaelle Ikanga Reteno; Hanene Saadi; Mondher Boughalmi; Morgan Gaia; Meriem Slimani; Tatsiana Ngounga; Meriem Bekliz; Philippe Colson; Didier Raoult; Bernard La Scola
Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 354–363.
Codon Usage, Amino Acid Usage, Transfer RNA and Amino-Acyl-tRNA Synthetases in Mimiviruses
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 364–375.
Giant Viruses of Amoebae as Potential Human Pathogens
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 376–385.
First Isolation of a Marseillevirus in the Diptera Syrphidae Eristalis tenax
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 386–394.
Describing the Silent Human Virome with an Emphasis on Giant Viruses
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 395–412.
Real-Time PCR Systems Targeting Giant Viruses of Amoebae and Their Virophages
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Tatsiana Ngounga; Isabelle Pagnier; Dorine-Gaelle Ikanga Reteno; Didier Raoult; Bernard La Scola; Philippe Colson
Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 413–423.
Shan Virus: A New Mimivirus Isolated from the Stool of a Tunisian Patient with Pneumonia
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Hanene Saadi; Dorine-Gaelle Ikanga Reteno; Philippe Colson; Sarah Aherfi; Philippe Minodier; Isabelle Pagnier; Didier Raoult; Bernard La Scola
Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 424–429.
Lausannevirus Seroprevalence among Asymptomatic Young Adults
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 430–433.
Alcohol Disinfection Procedure for Isolating Giant Viruses from Contaminated Samples
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 434–440.
Author and Subject Index
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): 441.
Contents Vol. 56, 2013
Subject Area:
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Intervirology (2013) 56 (6): I–IV.