Introduction: Distal access catheters are an infrequent focus of technical notes in neurointervention. The 5-French SOFIA’s unique design allows for compatibility with 6-French guide catheters, while its supple construction allows for remarkably distal access for a catheter with a 0.055-inch inner diameter. Methods: The authors reviewed a prospectively maintained endovascular database for cases utilizing the 5-French SOFIA from February 2017 through November 2017. Case type, SOFIA location, microcatheter used, and catheter-related complications were noted. Results: Over the evaluated period, the 5-French SOFIA was utilized in 33 cases, including 13 aneurysm treatments, 10 arteriovenous shunt embolizations, 5 stroke thrombectomies, and 5 other cases. Of 5 flow diversion cases, 1 was for a symptomatic cavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm necessitating transradial access, another for a ruptured A3 aneurysm, and another for a middle cerebral artery (M2) aneurysm; 2 were more proximal aneurysms. Thrombectomies were for M2 (n = 3) or A2 (n = 2) occlusions. In all cases, the 5-French SOFIA reached its anticipated distal target without complication or the need to utilize a smaller/alternative catheter. Of these 33 cases, there were 10 cases of distal SOFIA target locations: 6 M2/M3, 3 anterior cerebral arteries (ACA), and 1 posterior cerebral artery (PCA). M2/M3 and PCA catheterization was achieved over 2.1-Fr microcatheters; ACA catheterization employed a 2.9-Fr microcatheter for pipeline embolization and a deployed stentriever in the setting of two thrombectomies. Conclusion: The 5-French SOFIA can be safely utilized for distal, superselective catheterization in the context of complex neurointervention, including aneurysm and arteriovenous shunt embolization and distal thrombectomy.