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Keywords: Formaldehyde
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Public Health
Indoor and Built Environment (1996) 5 (5): 270–279.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... Formaldehyde Indoor paint emissions Sick building syndrome Volatile organic compounds Environment Original Paper Indoor Built Environ 1996;5:270-279 Dan Norbäcka Gunilla Wieslandera Eythor Björnssonb Christer Janson'0 Gunnar Bomanh a Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, b Department...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Public Health
Indoor and Built Environment (1996) 5 (3): 132–137.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...G.B. Leslie Glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde are found in the hospital environment at higher concentrations than those to which the general population is exposed. Their possible adverse health effects are therefore very important to people working in certain parts of hospitals and to patients...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Public Health
Indoor and Built Environment (2002) 11 (2): 111–116.
Published Online: 12 July 2002
...P. Dingle; P. Franklin Formaldehyde is a highly irritant gas commonly encountered in indoor environments. Domestic levels of formaldehyde may vary with building practices and climate and the aim of the present study was to investigate formaldehyde levels in 185 homes in Perth, Australia...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Public Health
Indoor and Built Environment (2001) 10 (3-4): 160–166.
Published Online: 21 February 2002
...) concentrations were approximately 4,000 µg·m –3 just after construction, decreasing by a double-exponential model to 300 µg·m –3 by 8 months, which is below the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) goal of 500 µg·m –3 . Formaldehyde concentration was near the NHMRC goal of 130 µg·m –3...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Public Health
Indoor and Built Environment (2000) 9 (3-4): 233–236.
Published Online: 31 January 2001
...P. Dingle; R. Tan; C. Cheong A study of 132 unoccupied and 60 occupied caravans was conducted to determine levels of formaldehyde and factors which may affect these levels. Repeat monitoring was carried out 6 months later in 50 of the occupied caravans. A questionnaire was also used to assess...