Incubation of normal human serum with different sulfonamides led to a dose-dependent inactivation of total hemolytic complement activity. A decrease of the activities of C1, C2, C3, C5 and one or several of the components C6–9 was observed after treatment of normal human serum with the sulfonamide sulfisomidine. Inactivation of complement components by sulfonamides seems to result from direct interaction with the drug as well as, to a minor extent, from activation of the alternative pathway. At relatively high concentrations, sulfonamides caused a conformational change in C3 and C4. The observed structural change is equivalent to that induced by cleavage of the internal thiolester bond in these molecules. The generation of such structurally altered C3 (C3b-like C3) as well as an antagonizing effect of sulfonamides towards the action of the regulatory protein factor I might be responsible for alternative pathway activation. The physiological relevance in vivo of the observed effects of sulfonamides remains to be assessed.