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Keywords: Ryegrass
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Journal Articles
Int Arch Allergy Immunol (2014) 163 (2): 92–105.
Published Online: 06 February 2014
...Hee-Kyoo Kim; Sean Lund; Rachel Baum; Peter Rosenthal; Naseem Khorram; Taylor A. Doherty Background: Exposure to the fungal allergen Alternaria alternata as well as ryegrass pollen has been implicated in severe asthma symptoms during thunderstorms. We have previously shown that Alternaria extract...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Int Arch Allergy Immunol (1996) 111 (2): 161–165.
Published Online: 04 September 2009
...Takahisa Imamura; Sergio Di Virgilio; Dennis A. Bagarozzi, Jr.; Nancy Matheson; James Travis To investigate nonimmune pathogenic functions of pollens, vascular permeability enhancement (VPE) activity of pollen extracts was examined using guinea pigs nonimmunized against pollens. Ryegrass, ragweed...