Using 23 monoclonal antibodies raised against Sugi basic protein (SBP, major allergen of Japanese cedar pollen), composed of Cry jI and Cry jII, analyses of B-cell-tropic epitopes of Cry jI were performed. The following results were obtained. (1) As far as the mAbs were used, no major cross-reactive determinants were detected between Cry jI and Cry jII molecules. (2) 21 of the 23 mAbs were specific for Cry jI, and the anti-Cry jII mAbs were classified into four groups by their fine specificities, suggesting that Cry jI bears at least four antigenic determinant regions. (3) Cry jI molecules were found to take a monomeric form in solution and to display no repeating antigenic epitopes on their surfaces. (4) Some of the determinants seemed to be located in the interior of a Cry jI molecule, and when the Ag is coated on a plastic plate, the determinants become exposed on its surface. (5) Binding of human IgE antibodies to Cry jI and Cry jII was blocked by some of the obtained mAbs, suggesting that these epitopes recognized by the mAbs might have an important role in human allergic response against the cedar pollen.