Single case reports and uncontrolled studies claim significant improvements in patients with atopic diseases treated with bioresonance therapy, also called biophysical information therapy (BIT). To assess the efficacy of this alternative method of treatment, we performed a conventional double-blind parallel group study in children hospitalized for long-lasting atopic dermatitis. Over a period of 1.5 year, 32 children with atopic dermatitis, age range 1.5–16.8 years and hospitalized for 4–6 weeks at the Alpine Children’s Hospital Davos, Switzerland, were randomized according to sex, age and severity of the skin disease to receive conventional inpatient therapy and either a putatively active or a sham (placebo) BIT treatment. Short- and long-term outcome within 1 year were assessed by skin symptom scores, sleep and itch scores, blood cell activation markers of allergy, and a questionnaire. Hospitalization and conventional therapy in a high altitude climate resulted in immediate and sustained amelioration of the disease state in both the BIT-treated and sham-treated groups. BIT had no significant additive measurable effect on the outcome variables determined in this study. The statement by protagonists of this alternative form of therapy that BIT can considerably influence or even cure atopic dermatitis was not confirmed using for the first time a conventional double-blind study design. Considering the high costs and false promises caused by the promotors ofthis kind of therapy, it is concluded that BIT has no place in the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis.