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Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2012) 77 (2): 69–84.
Published Online: 15 March 2012
... in vasopressin synthesis that are inherited as autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked recessive traits. The diagnosis of the underlying condition is challenging and raises several concerns for patients and parents as it requires long-term follow-up. Proper etiological diagnosis can be achieved via...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1996) 45 (3-5): 182–186.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
...J.J. Legros; V. Geenen When they were discovered by Acher and co-workers, neurophysins were thought to act as carriers for the active nonapeptides vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) and were then recognized as the inactive fragment of a precursor with a higher molecular weight (propressophysin...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1995) 43 (1-3): 8–11.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
... and circadian variation in the vasopressin (AVP) cell number of the SCN was observed in relation to the variation in photoperiod. During normal ageing, the circadian variation and number of AVP-expressing neurons in the SCN decreases. The sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN), intermediate nucleus or INAH-1...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1992) 37 (Suppl. 3): 16–21.
Published Online: 03 December 2008
... peptides, namely vasopressin and oxytocin, are themselves capable of modifying behaviour. In this paper the author discusses current understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the main central vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic pathways, followed by a description of the principal actions of exogenously...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1990) 34 (3-4): 129–132.
Published Online: 02 December 2008
...G. Hamon; S. Jouquey The effects of opiates on vasopressin secretion have been controversial for many years. This is probably due to the existence of different types of opioid receptors and to the lack of specificity of the compounds used. Specific ĸ agonists, which have been described recently...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hormone Research (1990) 34 (3-4): 151–155.
Published Online: 02 December 2008
...J.J. Legros; V. Geenen; T. Carveli; H. Martens; M. Andre; J.L. Corhay; M. Radermecker; P.F. Zangerle; G. Sassolas; C. Gharib; M. Vantyghem; J. Lefebvre Vasopressin-neurophysin (hN p I), oxytocin-neurophysin (hN p II) and blood osmolality were assayed before any treatment in basal conditions in 35...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1990) 34 (3-4): 118–123.
Published Online: 02 December 2008
...R.L. Howard; R.W. Schrier Sodium and water retention is characteristic of edematous disorders including cardiac failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, and pregnancy. In recent years, the use of a sensitive radioimmunoassay for plasma vasopressin has implicated the role of nonosmotic vasopressin...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1990) 34 (3-4): 124–128.
Published Online: 02 December 2008
...M. Thibonnier In this article, the discrete modifications of the structure of the vasopressin molecule which led to the development of specific V 1 vascular, V 2 renal, and mixed V 1 /V 2 analogs are reviewed. Particularly, the third generation of vasopressin antagonists produced by deletions...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1989) 31 (1-2): 55–58.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
...J.J. Legros; M. Ansseau Basal plasma vasopressin-neurophysin (hN p I) was estimated in 50 drug-free neuropsychiatric patients classified according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria. The hN p I concentration was higher in the 5 manics (0.76 ± 0.15 ng/ml) than in the 16 schizophrenics (0.53 ± 0.08...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1986) 23 (2): 78–82.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
...Sophia Ish-Shalom; Simona Ben-Haim; David Barzilai; Zeev Hochberg This report describes a 38-year-old patient with prolactinoma, without adrenal or thyroid insufficiency, with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of vasopressin due to downward resetting of the hypothalamic osmoreceptors. Random...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1987) 25 (1): 60–64.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
.... Vasopressin Desmopressin Rat Minipump SIADH Hyponatremia Hormone Res. 25: 60-64 (1987) Effect of Two-Week Infusion of Deamino Z)-Arginine Vasopressin in Rats Hans Mokry, Bhaskar Rao, Jack M. George. M.G. Sriram Ohio State University. College of Medicine. Columbus. Ohio. USA Key Words. Vasopressin...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1981) 14 (4): 215–223.
Published Online: 25 November 2008
... and osmotic, threshold tests. The presence of endogenous vasopressin, and the normally functioning volume receptors, was demonstrated by the normal urine osmolality during dehydration. The osmotic threshold was 263 mosm/kg on one test and 300 mosm/kg on the other. More extreme values might be suspected based...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hormone Research (1979) 10 (6): 289–302.
Published Online: 25 November 2008
...F.H. Katz; J.A. Smith; J.P. Lock; D.E. Loeffel Plasma concentrations of vasopressin and plasma renin activity were measured every 30 min for 24 h in 5 normal active humans, in 1 normal woman confined to bed (except for brief periods up to the bathroom), in 2 active patients with primary...
Journal Articles
Hormones (1972) 3 (1): 42–64.
Published Online: 21 November 2008
... advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Fluid transport Ion transport Vasopressin...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1975) 6 (4): 226–235.
Published Online: 21 November 2008
... with 0.01 M sodium thioglycollate at 65°C for 5 min. The oxytocic activity was antagonized neither by 1.4 × 10 -6 M atropine nor 3.3 × 10 -7 M phenoxybenzamine. 21 11 2008 Ox neurohypophysis Neurophysin Exclusion chromatography Oxytocin Vasopressin Milk ejection Antidiuresis © 1975 S...