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Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2016) 86 (4): 264–270.
Published Online: 02 February 2016
.... Endocrine disruptor Androgen receptor Polymorphism TCDD became well known as a contaminant of the Agent Orange herbicide used in the Vietnam War and has afterwards been associated with an increased incidence and more aggressive variant of prostate cancer in exposed war veterans [ 16 ]. However...
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2015) 83 (3): 177–182.
Published Online: 18 December 2014
... cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between GPR30 single nucleotide polymorphisms and gynecomastia in males. Methods: This study included 109 male adolescents with gynecomastia and 104 controls. Follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total testosterone, estradiol (E2...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2012) 77 (5): 305–308.
Published Online: 15 May 2012
... insulin dosing of 567 patients, we selected 177 for whom we also had genome-wide genotyping data. Using PLINK software, we examined the association between insulin requirement as a quantitative trait and nineteen T2D risk loci. Results: Out of 19 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs13266634...
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2011) 76 (5): 307–313.
Published Online: 14 September 2011
... SD. We genotyped 10 common polymorphisms previously associated with height variation. Results: The HMGA2 gene SNP was significantly associated with tall stature. Using a logistic regression model, we calculated that carrying the HMGA2 (rs1042725) C allele significantly increased the odds of being...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2009) 71 (Suppl. 2): 55–63.
Published Online: 29 April 2009
... therapy. The GH receptor (GHR) is the first key molecule mediating GH action. In the past 3 years, a common GHR polymorphism reflecting the presence ( GHR fl) or absence ( GHR d3) of exon 3 has been under intensive investigation regarding its influence on the response to hGH therapy. Studies...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1995) 44 (Suppl. 2): 47–49.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
... transcription polymerase chain reaction/single-strand conformation polymorphism methods. OT gene expression in the cumulus cells was positive in 5 women and weakly positive in the remaining patient. The structure of OT mRNA in the cumulus cells was equivalent to that in human hypothalamus. OTR gene expression...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2003) 59 (2): 55–65.
Published Online: 20 February 2003
... sequence is identical between any two individuals [ 5 ]. The approximately 0.1% that differs must be responsible for genetically determined individual traits, including disease susceptibility. Most of this variation is the result of common DNA variants (polymorphisms), of which two or more alleles...