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Keywords: IGF-I
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Journal Articles
Anni Larnkjær, Ken K. Ong, Emma M. Carlsen, Katrine T. Ejlerskov, Christian Mølgaard, Kim F. Michaelsen
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2018) 90 (1): 28–38.
Published Online: 29 June 2018
... born to obese mothers (SKOT-II) with infants born mainly to nonobese mothers (SKOT-I). Methods: Infants from SKOT-I ( n = 273) and SKOT-II ( n = 132) were examined including anthropometric measurements and blood samples analyzed for glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), adiponectin...
Journal Articles
Colin P. Hawkes, Deirdre M. Murray, Louise C. Kenny, Mairead Kiely, Jonathan O’B Hourihane, Alan D. Irvine, Zengru Wu, Yair Argon, Richard E. Reitz, Michael J. McPhaul, Adda Grimberg
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2018) 89 (2): 122–131.
Published Online: 18 January 2018
...Colin P. Hawkes; Deirdre M. Murray; Louise C. Kenny; Mairead Kiely; Jonathan O’B Hourihane; Alan D. Irvine; Zengru Wu; Yair Argon; Richard E. Reitz; Michael J. McPhaul; Adda Grimberg Background: Immunoassays used to measure insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and -II concentrations are susceptible...
Journal Articles
María Gabriela Ballerini, Débora Braslavsky, Paula Alejandra Scaglia, Ana Keselman, María Eugenia Rodríguez, Alicia Martínez, Analía Verónica Freire, Horacio Mario Domené, Héctor Guillermo Jasper, Ignacio Bergadá, María Gabriela Ropelato
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 88 (5): 354–363.
Published Online: 19 September 2017
... the following: standard deviation score (SDS) values of IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and IGF-I/IGFBP-3 molar ratio before, at the 1st and at the 2nd year on rhGH and Δheight (Ht)-SDS to evaluate GH treatment efficacy (adequate 1st-year ΔHt SDS: >0.4 SDS for GHD and >0.3 SDS for non-GHD). Results: Seventy-eight percent...
Journal Articles
Eva Landmann, Barbara Kollerits, Joachim Gerhard Kreuder, Werner Friedrich Blum, Florian Kronenberg, Silvia Rudloff
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2012) 77 (6): 341–350.
Published Online: 22 June 2012
... associations between polymorphisms in the promoter regions of IGF1 (wild type 192 bp), IGFBP3 (rs2854744; rs13241830), and INS VNTR (rs689) with cord plasma levels of IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGFBP-3. Methods: We measured IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGFBP-3 concentrations in cord blood from 677 neonates and genotyped...
Journal Articles
Michael B. Ranke, Roland Schweizer, David D. Martin, Stefan Ehehalt, Carl-Philipp Schwarze, Felice Serra, Gerhard Binder
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2012) 77 (4): 214–221.
Published Online: 16 March 2012
... was 155.0 (147.4–161.0) cm, which is statistically not different. On GH <5% IGF-I levels were >2 SDS. Conclusions: The published prediction algorithms were found to be valid. If normal AH is to be reached at the lowest costs and risks, probably only TS children with a good growth potential and a high...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2011) 76 (Suppl. 3): 18–20.
Published Online: 07 September 2011
... hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF) axis appear to be common in children with ISS. As the only growth-promoting treatments available to children with ISS are either human GH or recombinant human IGF-I, it is plausible that measures of the GH-IGF axis or of growth factor response might be useful...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2011) 76 (Suppl. 1): 84–90.
Published Online: 21 July 2011
... that extends the time window of detection is based on detection of increased levels of circulating GH-responsive proteins, such as the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis and collagen peptides. As age and gender are the major determinants of variability for IGF-I and the collagen markers, a test based...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2011) 75 (1): 56–62.
Published Online: 01 October 2010
... from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Echocardiography Growth Body mass index IGF-I IGFBP-3 Growth hormone (GH) secretory status and GH therapy influence cardiac muscle mass and function [ 1 ]. More than 85% of patients...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2010) 73 (5): 320–327.
Published Online: 14 April 2010
...G. Iñiguez; C.A. González; F. Argandoña; E. Kakarieka; M.C. Johnson; F. Cassorla In humans, a direct relationship between IGF-I cord blood levels and birth weight has been demonstrated. To determine the placental IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR mRNA and protein contents in full-term pregnancies from...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (2009) 72 (Suppl. 1): 48–54.
Published Online: 27 November 2009
... at the skeletal muscle and whole-body level and impair growth hormone (GH) secretion and action. Conversely, GH and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) are potent protein-anabolic and growth-promoting agents in vitro and in vivo. This review summarizes both the catabolic effects of GCs and the anabolic...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1997) 48 (Suppl. 5): 60–64.
Published Online: 06 January 2009
... and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Adults Growth hormone IGF-I Skeletal effects Horm one R e se a rch S e ssio n 2: GH, Se x Steroid s...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1997) 48 (Suppl. 5): 45–49.
Published Online: 06 January 2009
... also increased the expression of both IGF-I and IGF-binding protein-5 mRNA as well as the release of IGF-I from these cells. The addition of IGF-I or recombinant IGFBP-5 alone significantly increased ALP activity and type I procollagen mRNA expression. These findings indicate that GH acts directly...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1996) 45 (Suppl. 1): 15–18.
Published Online: 10 December 2008
... Astroglia GFAP GHRH IGF-I LHRH Oestradiol Tanycytes Testosterone Abstract Recent evidence indicates that glia may play a significant role in the link between the endocrine and nervous systems. Gonadal steroids modulate astro glia morphology, differentiation and gene expression in different brain areas...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1997) 47 (2): 45–48.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
... of hGH treatment; (B) 5 children (2 F, 3 M) with Laron syndrome were examined 3.5-4 years after initiation of insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I) treatment, and (C) comprised 8 untreated adults (5 F, 3 M) with Laron syndrome. For each patient, 2 matched controls, by age, sex, physical activity and height...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1996) 46 (6): 279–281.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
... determined the 24-hour integrated concentration of GH (IC-GH), GH response to provocative stimuli, IGF-I, IGF-binding protein-3 (IGF-BP3) and GH-binding protein (GH-BP) in 34 prepubertal children (25 m/9 f) 5-10 years of age, height -2.5 to 1.5 SDS and body mass index -1.5 to 1.5 SDS for age and sex. Since...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1995) 44 (1): 40–44.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
.../week). At that time, elevated liver enzymes (GPT 128 U/l, GOT 67 U/l, γ-GT 28 U/l) confused diagnostic procedures. On GH, growth velocity SDS increased from -1.86 to +4.50 in the first year and +3.87 in the second year, and height SDS increased to -4.26 and -3.59. However, serum IGF-I levels did...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1995) 44 (6): 253–264.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
...). There was normal progression of puberty. Mean progression of BA was 1.2 and 1.5 years/ year during the first and second year. There was no dose effect of IGF-I on growth. Weight-for-height index (WHI) and skinfold thickness were significantly correlated at start, 12 and 24 months (r = 0.83, 0.87 and 0.79). Changes...
Journal Articles
Bartolomeo Merola, Annamaria Colao, Diego Ferone, Antonello Selleri, Antonella Di Sarno, Paolo Marzullo, Bernadette Biondi, Renato Spaziante, Emanuela Rossi, Gaetano Lombardi
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1993) 40 (4): 149–155.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
... adenomas. Octreotide caused a significant decrease of GH and IGF-I levels in all the patients and no significant change in thyroid, adrenal and gonadal function. In contrast, during the therapy, the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test considerably increased and was delayed, while the insulin...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1994) 42 (3): 86–89.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
... IGF-I Original Paper Horm Res 1994;42:86-89 Luciano Cava/loa Filippo De Lucab Sergio BernasconC Rita Russoa Clara Zecchinoa Teresa Arrigob Department of Biomedicine of Developing Age, University of Bari. Institute of Pediatrics, University of Messina, and Institute of Pediatrics, University...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormone Research (1994) 42 (4-5): 145–151.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
...Louis E. Underwood; Jean-Paul Thissen; Sylvie Lemozy; Jean-Marie Ketelslegers; David R. Clemmons The influence of nutrition on growth seems likely to be mediated in part through IGF-I. Restriction of dietary nutrients adversely effects IGF-I synthesis and action at multiple steps, including...