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Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 86 (6): 416–419.
Published Online: 26 May 2016
...Onur Akın; Ediz Yeşilkaya; Erkan Sari; Çağdaş Akar; Gökalp Başbozkurt; Enis Macit; Ibrahim Aydin; Abdullah Taşlipinar; Hüsamettin Gül Hyperinsulinism, one of the most important causes of hypoglycaemia, can be congenital or acquired. Rarely, drug toxicity can be a reason for hyperinsulinism...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2015) 83 (3): 149–156.
Published Online: 05 February 2015
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Type 1 diabetes Continuous glucose monitoring Hypoglycaemia Children and adolescents Vast efforts are invested in the day-to-day management of type 1 diabetes (T1D) with the goal of reaching the target of near-normal...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2010) 73 (4): 287–292.
Published Online: 09 March 2010
... unresponsive congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) which requires a near-total pancreatectomy. Methods/Results: A patient born at term with marked macrosomia (5,900 g) presented at the age of 2 h with severe hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. He failed to respond to treatment with the KATP agonist, diazoxide. An 18F...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2009) 71 (Suppl. 1): 148.
Published Online: 21 January 2009
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Hypoglycaemia Type 1 diabetes Treatment HORMONE RESEARCH Abstract Winners Horm Res 2009;71(suppl 1):148 DOI: 10.1159/000178060 Published online: January 21, 2009...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1996) 45 (6): 285–290.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
...Stephanie A. Amiel Hypoglycaemia is the most important acute side effect of insulin therapy for diabetes in children. In general, children have more vigorous counterregulatory hormone responses to hypoglycaemia than adults. Children with diabetes may lose their glucagon responses to a falling blood...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1996) 46 (1): 8–25.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
...A. Aynsley-Green Hypoglycaemia remains one of the most confused and confusing issues in paediatric medicine. Controversy surrounds the definition of hypoglycaemia, the mechanism of adverse effect on the brain, and the practical approach to monitoring, management and treatment. A personal conspectus...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1992) 37 (1-2): 78–80.
Published Online: 03 December 2008
...L. Herranz; A. Rovira; C. Grande; A. Suarez; J.M. Martinez-Ara; L.F. Pallardo; A. Gómez-Pan The case of a patient with progressive systemic sclerosis, who developed hypoglycaemia and insulin autoantibodies, is described. Repeated blood glucose measurements showed levels < 2.8 mmol/l. High...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1987) 27 (1): 47–52.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
... of marked hyperinsulinaemia and severe hypoglycaemia, despite a compensatory increase in food intake. Diurnal changes were examined at 3-hourly intervals for 24 h in control rats and tumour-bearing rats at 20-21 days after transplantation. The control animals exhibited distinct diurnal changes of food...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1988) 29 (5-6): 211–213.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
... of insulinomas is illustrated by this case and by 11 additional case reports which are reviewed. A rise in C-peptide levels during treatment without concomitant hypoglycaemia might be the first indication of a loss of control. 15 09 1987 8 02 1988 28 11 2008 © 1988 S. Karger AG, Basel 1988...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 289–296.
Published Online: 30 November 2006
... by profound hypoglycaemia related to inappropriate insulin secretion, may be associated histologically with either diffuse insulin hypersecretion or focal adenomatous hyperplasia, which share a similar clinical presentation, but result from different molecular mechanisms. Whereas diffuse CHI is of autosomal...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2003) 59 (Suppl. 1): 30–34.
Published Online: 17 November 2004
...Jean-Christophe Fournet; Claudine Junien Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the most important cause of persistent hypoglycaemia in the neonate and infant. It is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous entity. The clinical heterogeneity is manifested by severity ranging from extremely severe...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2002) 57 (Suppl. 1): 85–90.
Published Online: 17 November 2004
...K. Matyka; M. Ford-Adams; D.B. Dunger Hypoglycaemia is particularly common in young children with type 1 diabetes mellitus yet the normal protective counterregulatory responses have been little studied in this age group. The studies reported have shown conflicting results, in part related to prior...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2002) 57 (Suppl. 1): 105–109.
Published Online: 17 November 2004
.... Outcome research Quality control Guidelines Targets Metabolic control Hypoglycaemia Documentation Numerous surveys from different parts of the world indicate that the outcome of diabetes care for children and adolescents is still inadequate: both metabolic control, as reflected by HbA 1c...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2004) 61 (6): 270–288.
Published Online: 10 June 2004
... in the genes encoding glucokinase ( GCK , Ch.7p15–p13), glutamate dehydrogenase ( GLUD1 , Ch.10q23.3) and short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase ( HADHSC , Ch.4q22–q26). This review focuses upon the relationship between the causes of HI and therapeutic options. Hyperinsulinism Hypoglycaemia ATP...