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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Horm Res Paediatr (2016) 85 (1): 43–48.
Published Online: 25 November 2015
...Hakan Aylanç; Nilüfer Aylanç; Şule Yıldırım; Mustafa Tekin; Fatih Battal; Nazan Kaymaz; Fatih Köksal Binnetoğlu; Naci Topaloğlu; Hakan Türkön; Fehime Erdem Sürecek Background: Childhood obesity is one of the important risk factors for early atherosclerosis. We aimed to evaluate the effect...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1996) 45 (3-5): 238–244.
Published Online: 09 December 2008
..., the impact of the variability of CETP gene on HDL cholesterol variations in Caucasians is controversial. CETP is often involved in secondary dyslipidemia and is susceptible to modify the composition of plasma lipoproteins in an atherogenic way. The real impact of CETP activity on atherosclerosis is still...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1993) 40 (5-6): 184–188.
Published Online: 05 December 2008
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Steroid hormone receptors Lipoproteins Atherosclerosis Adipose tissue Gene expression Original Paper Horm Res 1993;40:184-188 Julia Peinado-Onsurbea Bart Staelsa Dirk...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1975) 6 (1): 2–11.
Published Online: 21 November 2008
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Aorta Plasma Cholesterol Cholesterol ester Atherosclerosis Rats Original Papers Hormone Res. 6: 2 -1 1 (1975) Effect of Hormonal Environment on Sterol Concentrations...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2005) 64 (3): 107–114.
Published Online: 26 October 2005
... and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Tissue Doppler imaging Growth hormone deficiency Diastolic dysfunction Atherosclerosis Hypopituitarism Long...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (1998) 50 (Suppl. 2): 15–24.
Published Online: 17 November 2004
...Kenji Sobue; Ken’ichiro Hayashi; Wataru Nishida Phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells is closely associated with vasculogenesis, enterogenesis and some diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and leiomyogenic tumorigenicity. During phenotypic modulation, smooth muscle cells change...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 144–147.
Published Online: 12 October 2000
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Estrogen receptor Estrogen replacement therapy Atherosclerosis Nitric...