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Keywords: Adrenal insufficiency
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Journal Articles
Supitcha Patjamontri, Angela K. Lucas-Herald, Martin McMillan, Rathi Prasad, Louise A. Metherell, Ruth McGowan, Edward S. Tobias, S. Faisal Ahmed
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2024) 97 (5): 509–514.
Published Online: 27 November 2023
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. 2023 Adrenal insufficiency Atypical genitalia Redox homeostasis...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
Women's and Children's Health
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2023) 96 (4): 439–445.
Published Online: 17 January 2023
... to HSD17B4 ). PDs are characterized by abnormal elevations of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA). We aimed to evaluate the clinical phenotype of adrenal insufficiency in patients with PD and to assess any genotype-phenotype correlations with adrenal insufficiency. Case Presentation: We performed...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Women's and Children's Health
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2022) 95 (4): 397–401.
Published Online: 24 May 2022
... and adrenal insufficiency in adults post-COVID-19. We describe the first pediatric report of adrenal insufficiency and autoimmune hypothyroidism after COVID-19. Case Presentation: A 14-year-old previously healthy girl, with vitiligo, presented in shock following 1 week of fever, lethargy, diarrhea...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Women's and Children's Health
Nicholas R. Banull, Patrick J. Reich, Carine Anka, Jennifer May, Kathleen Wharton, Dorina Kallogjeri, Hope Shimony, Ana María Arbeláez
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2022) 95 (4): 331–338.
Published Online: 13 April 2022
...), adrenal insufficiency, and hypothyroidism. Two outcome measures were analyzed in multivariate analysis: inpatient admission and PICU admission. Adjusted odds ratios with a 95% CI were calculated using binary logistic regression, along with p values after Wald χ 2 analysis. Results: 390 patients were...
Journal Articles
Aslı Derya Kardelen Al, Şükran Poyrazoğlu, Ayça Aslanger, Gözde Yeşil, Serdar Ceylaner, Firdevs Baş, Feyza Darendeliler
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2020) 92 (6): 395–403.
Published Online: 23 June 2020
...Aslı Derya Kardelen Al; Şükran Poyrazoğlu; Ayça Aslanger; Gözde Yeşil; Serdar Ceylaner; Firdevs Baş; Feyza Darendeliler Introduction: Isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency (IAD) is a rare cause of adrenal insufficiency and T-box pituitary restricted transcription factor ( TBX19...
Journal Articles
Jana Malikova, Tanja Zingg, Ralph Fingerhut, Susanna Sluka, Michael Grössl, Simone Brixius-Anderko, Rita Bernhardt, Jane McDougall, Amit V. Pandey, Christa E. Flück
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2019) 91 (4): 262–270.
Published Online: 28 June 2019
...Jana Malikova; Tanja Zingg; Ralph Fingerhut; Susanna Sluka; Michael Grössl; Simone Brixius-Anderko; Rita Bernhardt; Jane McDougall; Amit V. Pandey; Christa E. Flück Background: The HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir have recently been reported to cause transient adrenal insufficiency in preterm...
Journal Articles
Chiara Guzzetti, Carla Bizzarri, Elisa Pisaneschi, Mafalda Mucciolo, Emanuele Bellacchio, Anastasia Ibba, Letizia Casula, Antonio Novelli, Sandro Loche, Marco Cappa
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2018) 90 (3): 203–211.
Published Online: 04 September 2018
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. 2018 Precocious puberty Adrenal insufficiency CYP11B1 11β-Hydroxylase NR0B1 DAX1...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2018) 89 (5): 341–351.
Published Online: 06 June 2018
...R. Louise Rushworth; David J. Torpy; Constantine A. Stratakis; Henrik Falhammar Adrenal crises (AC) are life-threatening physiological disturbances that occur at a rate of 5–10/100 patient years in patients with adrenal insufficiency (AI). Despite their seriousness, there is a paucity...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 88 (5): 339–346.
Published Online: 12 September 2017
...R. Louise Rushworth; Georgina L. Chrisp; Benjamin Dean; Henrik Falhammar; David J. Torpy Background/Aims: To determine the burden of hospitalisation in children with adrenal insufficiency (AI)/hypopituitarism in Australia. Methods: A retrospective study of Australian hospitalisation data. All...
Journal Articles
Maria Candida Barisson Villares Fragoso, Edoarda Vasco de Albuquerque Albuquerque, Ana Luiza de Almeida Cardoso, Paula Waki Lopes da Rosa, Rodrigo Bomeny de Paulo, Maria Heloisa Massola Schimizu, Antonio Carlos Seguro, Marisa Passarelli, Katrin Koehler, Angela Huebner, Madson Q. Almeida, Ana Claudia Latronico, Ivo Jorge Prado Arnhold, Berenice Bilharinho Mendonca
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 88 (2): 167–171.
Published Online: 10 April 2017
... Claudia Latronico; Ivo Jorge Prado Arnhold; Berenice Bilharinho Mendonca Introduction: Triple A syndrome (AAAS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by alacrima, achalasia, ACTH-resistant adrenal insufficiency, autonomic dysfunction, and progressive neurodegeneration. Increased oxidative...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 87 (2): 123–129.
Published Online: 30 June 2016
... acutely with hypocortisolism. Laboratory studies revealed secondary adrenal insufficiency. MRI showed a hypotrophic pituitary gland and loss of the posterior pituitary bright spot. To establish an autoimmune basis for the adrenal insufficiency, serum was analyzed by double indirect immunofluorescence...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2017) 86 (6): 420–424.
Published Online: 03 June 2016
... as malcompliance. At the age of 4 years, he was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, wherefore a broad diagnostic search was initiated. After the start of glucocorticoid replacement therapy, his TSH normalized and the levothyroxine could be lowered. At the age of 6 years, his TSH increased again, this time caused...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Topic Article Package: Diabetes 2016
Topic Article Package: Diabetes
Women's and Children's Health
Martijn J.J. Finken, Bibian van der Voorn, Annemieke C. Heijboer, Marita de Waard, Johannes B. van Goudoever, Joost Rotteveel
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2016) 85 (4): 221–231.
Published Online: 05 March 2016
... for the association between prematurity and long-term outcome. [email protected] 4 08 2015 29 12 2015 5 3 2016 Relative adrenal insufficiency is common among very preterm infants in their first weeks of life and occurs when the HPA axis is unable to produce sufficient cortisol...
Journal Articles
Sarah L. Tsai, Jane Green, Lou A. Metherell, Fiona Curtis, Bridget Fernandez, Ara Healey, Joseph Curtis
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2016) 85 (1): 35–42.
Published Online: 01 January 2016
...Sarah L. Tsai; Jane Green; Lou A. Metherell; Fiona Curtis; Bridget Fernandez; Ara Healey; Joseph Curtis Background/Aims: Primary adrenal insufficiency (AI) is an important cause of morbidity in children. Our objectives were: (1) to describe the clinical presentation of children with new-onset...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2015) 84 (6): 408–413.
Published Online: 09 October 2015
...Shipra Bansal; Salvador Castells; Vatcharapan Umpaichitra; Sheila Perez-Colon Background: X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita is a rare cause of primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) in children due to mutations in NR0B1 / DAX1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1/dosage-sensitive sex...
Journal Articles
Athanasia Stoupa, Laura González-Briceño, Graziella Pinto, Dinane Samara-Boustani, Caroline Thalassinos, Isabelle Flechtner, Jacques Beltrand, Maud Bidet, Albane Simon, Marie Piketty, Kathleen Laborde, Yves Morel, Christine Bellanné-Chantelot, Philippe Touraine, Michel Polak
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2015) 83 (4): 262–267.
Published Online: 07 February 2015
...%) NCCAH patients versus 1/47 (2.1%) in the CG. No NCCAH patients had acute adrenal insufficiency, but 2 reported severe fatigue that improved with hydrocortisone. Conclusions: The cortisol response to tetracosactide was inadequate (<18 μg/dl) in 60% of patients with NCCAH. Hydrocortisone therapy may...
Journal Articles
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2013) 80 (5): 309–317.
Published Online: 06 November 2013
... to be a homeostatic adaptation. However, many critically ill patients have ‘relative' or ‘functional' adrenal insufficiency, which is characterized by an inadequate production of cortisol in relation to an increased demand during periods of severe stress. Recently, the term ‘critical illness-related corticosteroid...
Journal Articles
Bilgin Yüksel, Alexandra E. Kulle, Fatih Gürbüz, Maik Welzel, Damla Kotan, Eda Mengen, Paul-Martin Holterhus, Ali Kemal Topaloğlu, Joachim Grötzinger, Felix G. Riepe
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2013) 80 (3): 163–169.
Published Online: 01 August 2013
... of the ligand cavity of StAR. Conclusions: The novel mutation p.Trp147Arg causes primary adrenal insufficiency and complete sex reversal in the 46,XY patient. Clinical disease, in vitro studies and three-dimensional protein modeling of the mutation p.Trp147Arg underscore the relevance of this highly conserved...
Journal Articles
Justin A. Indyk, Cristina Candido-Vitto, Irene M. Wolf, Shekhar Venkataraman, Ricardo Munoz, Richard A. Saladino, Selma F. Witchel, Donald B. DeFranco
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2013) 79 (3): 169–178.
Published Online: 22 March 2013
... Cortisol Sepsis Adrenal insufficiency Glucocorticoids play a major role in many vital processes including growth, reproduction, intermediary metabolism, water and electrolyte homeostasis, cardiovascular function, and immune and inflammatory functions [ 1 ]. In humans, glucocorticoid (cortisol...
Journal Articles
Silvia Marín, Paula Casano-Sancho, Nancy Villarreal-Peña, Giorgia Sebastiani, Sergio Pinillos, Belén Pérez-Dueñas, Vivian Hwa, Ron G. Rosenfeld, Lourdes Ibáñez
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Horm Res Paediatr (2012) 77 (1): 63–68.
Published Online: 20 January 2012
..., weight loss, a decrease in HV and very low cortisol levels; adrenal insufficiency was confirmed and glucocorticoid therapy was initiated. Subsequent peripheral motor neuropathy, achalasia and alacrima raised the suspicion of triple A syndrome, which was confirmed by the presence of a homozygous R194X...