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November 2007
This article was originally published in
Hormone Research
ISSN 0301-0163
EISSN 1423-0046
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-3 (1970-1972) were published under the journal's former title Hormones and Vol. 4-72 (1973-2009) as Hormone Research.
Hormone Research 2007, Vol. 68, No. 6
Mini Review
Glucose Regulation in Preterm Newborn Infants
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 265–271.
Original Paper
Prevalence of Minor Musculoskeletal Anomalies in Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 272–275.
Congenital Hypothyroidism: Look at the Whole Patient!: Editorial comment on the paper by El Kholy et al. in this issue
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 276–277.
Original Paper
Acceleration of Luteinizing Hormone Pulse Frequency in Adolescent Girls with a History of Central Precocious Puberty with versus without Hyperandrogenism
María Eugenia Escobar; María Gabriela Ropelato; María Gabriela Ballerini; Mirta Graciela Gryngarten; María Cecilia García Rudaz; Johannes D. Veldhuis; Marta Barontini
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 278–285.
Does a Primary Acceleration of LH Pulse Frequency Underlie an Association between Central Precocious Puberty and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?: Commentary on Escobar ME et al: Acceleration of LH Pulse Frequency in Adolescent Girls with a History of Central Precocious Puberty with versus without Hyperandrogenism (Horm Res 2007;68:278–285)
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 286–287.
Original Paper
A Randomized, Double-Blind Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Valtropin, a Biosimilar Growth Hormone, in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency
Valentina Peterkova; Ilknur Arslanoglu; Elena Bolshova-Zubkovskaya; Tomasz Romer; Dragan Zdravkovic; Jürgen Kratzsch; Hyi-Jeong Ji; Conrad Savoy; Paul Saenger
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 288–293.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Successful Pregnancy in a Patient with Severe 11-Beta-Hydroxylase Deficiency and Novel Mutations in CYP11B1 Gene
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 294–297.
Over 50 Years of Progress in the Treatment of the Hypertensive Form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to Steroid 11-Beta-Hydroxylase Deficiency: Commentary on Simm PJ and Zacharin MR: Successful Pregnancy in a Patient with severe 11-Beta-Hydroxylase Deficiency and Novel Mutations in CYP11B1 Gene (Horm Res 2007;68:294–297)
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 298–299.
Mini Review
Growth Hormone Therapy for Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 300–309.
Suggested Guidelines
Radiographic Evaluation of Children with Growth Disorders
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 310–315.
Original Paper
Spinal Bone Mineral Density, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 316–320.
Further Section
Acknowledgement to the Reviewers
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 321–322.
Author Index Vol. 68, 2007
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 323–324.
Subject Index Vol. 68, 2007
Hormone Research (2007) 68 (6): 325–326.