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November 2006
This article was originally published in
Hormone Research
ISSN 0301-0163
EISSN 1423-0046
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-3 (1970-1972) were published under the journal's former title Hormones and Vol. 4-72 (1973-2009) as Hormone Research.
Hormone Research 2006, Vol. 66, No. 6
Original Paper
Growth Hormone Deficiency and Replacement in Patients with Treated Cushing’s Disease, Prolactinomas and Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas: Effects on Body Composition, Glucose Metabolism, Lipid Status and Bone Mineral Density
A. Colson; A.M. Brooke; D. Walker; G.M. Besser; S.L. Chew; A.B. Grossman; P.J. Jenkins; W.M. Drake; J.P. Monson
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 257–267.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Hypercalcaemia in Relapsed Medulloblastoma 8 Years Post-Diagnosis; Evidence to Support PTHrP Production by Medulloblastoma Cells
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 268–272.
A Girl with a Novel Splice Site Mutation in VDR Supports the Role of a Ligand-Independent VDR Function on Hair Cycling
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 273–276.
Original Paper
Psychosocial Functioning, Self-Perception and Body Image and Their Auxologic Correlates in Growth Hormone and Oestrogen-Treated Young Adult Women with Turner Syndrome
Katrien Lagrou; Christelle Froidecoeur; Francisca Verlinde; Margaretha Craen; Jean De Schepper; Inge François; Guy Massa
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 277–284.
Oral Clonidine Provocative Test in the Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Childhood: Should We Make the Timing Uniform?
Fiorella Galluzzi; Stefano Stagi; Maria Parpagnoli; Stefania Losi; Ilaria Pagnini; Federica Favelli; Francesco Chiarelli; Roberto Salti; Salvatore Seminara
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 285–288.
Mini Review
Molecular Mechanisms of Neonatal Hyperinsulinism
Irina Giurgea; Christine Bellanné-Chantelot; Maria Ribeiro; Laurence Hubert; Christine Sempoux; Jean-Jacques Robert; Oliver Blankenstein; Kahlid Hussain; Francis Brunelle; Claire Nihoul-Fékété; Jacques Rahier; Francis Jaubert; Pascale de Lonlay
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 289–296.
Further Section
Acknowledgement to the Reviewers
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 297–298.
Author Index Vol. 66, 2006
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 299–300.
Subject Index Vol. 66, 2006
Hormone Research (2006) 66 (6): 301–302.