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This article was originally published in
Hormone Research
ISSN 0301-0163
EISSN 1423-0046
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-3 (1970-1972) were published under the journal's former title Hormones and Vol. 4-72 (1973-2009) as Hormone Research.
Hormone Research 2000, Vol. 53, No. 3
Human Sex Differentiation: From Transcription Factors to Gender
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 111–119.
Original Paper
Usefulness of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor in Japanese Hyperlipidemic Women within Seven Years of Menopause
Hiroaki Ohta; Asako Masuda; Takahisa Fuyuki; Itaru Sugimoto; Yoshio Suda; Kazuya Makita; Kiyoshi Takamatsu; Fumi Horiguchi; Shiro Nozawa
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 120–124.
Perceived versus Measured Height: Which Is the Stronger Predictor of Psychosocial Functioning?
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 129–138.
Catch-Up Growth in Short-at-Birth NICU Graduates
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 139–143.
Estrogen Receptors and the Activity of Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Artery of Female Rats Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 144–147.
Case Report
Case of XXXXY Syndrome: Development throughout Adolescence and Endocrine Aspects
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 154–156.
Effects of Octreotide Infusion, Surgery and Estrogen on Suppression of Height Increase and 20K Growth Hormone Ratio in a Girl with Gigantism due to a Growth Hormone-Secreting Macroadenoma
Masanori Minagawa; Toshiyuki Yasuda; Tomohiro Someya; Yoichi Kohno; Naokatsu Saeki; Yoshihide Hashimoto
Hormone Research (2000) 53 (3): 157–160.