Regular self-monitoring of blood glucose is crucial for proper insulin dosing and gives a reliable foundation for reasonable glycaemic control. According to recent data, recommended values for glycated haemoglobin A1c as set by the professional associations remain out of the reach for a large proportion of the paediatric population. In the last decades, the treatment of type 1 diabetes has changed significantly as new devices gain a role in routine clinical care. Real-time glucose levels can be monitored with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), which provides a broad spectrum of information on glucose trends on a moment-to-moment basis. This information can be useful for patients' decision making and clinicians' understanding of patients' conduct. However, several barriers, including the current price, impede a broader use of CGM in most regions of the world. This review summarizes data from randomized, controlled trials that included a paediatric population, and it provides some evidence-based visions for the possible broader utilization of CGM, also for incorporation into insulin delivery devices that enable a closed-loop insulin delivery.

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