In this study the daily variations of plasma sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) binding capacity were measured together with plasma testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in 7 healthy rested adult males. Plasma SHBG-binding capacity demonstrated a significant circadian rhythm (acrophase = 2.06 p.m.; mesor = 0.35 ± 0.6 ng testosterone bound/100 ml; amplitude = 17% of the mesor). Plasma testosterone also showed a circadian rhythm (acrophase = 7.02 a.m.; mesor = 4.38 ± 0.67 ng/ml; amplitude = 18% of the mesor). The free testosterone index (or the ratio between plasma testosterone and SHBG-binding capacity) was not correlated with plasma LH levels. In our hands this last parameter did not vary according to a circadian pattern. These data are discussed in terms of a feedback mechanism controlling the pituitary-testis axis regulation.