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Keywords: Thalassaemia
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1986) 36 (2): 107–112.
Published Online: 04 September 2008
...-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD). They were also investigated for haemoglobin and for thalassaemia. Phenotyping of the haemoglobins and the red cell enzymes was carried out by starch gel electrophoresis and the dye-decolouration screening test, while the investigation for thalassaemia was carried out...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1985) 35 (5): 326–332.
Published Online: 02 September 2008
...M.A.F. El-Hazmi; A.S. Warsy Glutathione reductase (GR) deficiency is reported to occur with a variable frequency in some populations of the world. In this study, the populations of two regions of Saudi Arabia which have a high frequency of sickle cell, thalassaemia and glucose-6-phosphate...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1983) 33 (5): 307–310.
Published Online: 02 September 2008
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Bengali-speaking population Thalassaemia Abnormal haemoglobin Fitness Hum. Hered. 33: 307-310(1983) © 1983 S. Karger AG. Basel 0001-5652/83/0335-0307 $ 2.75/0 A Note on Fitness...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1975) 25 (1): 50–59.
Published Online: 28 August 2008
...%), three of whom had sickle-cell anaemia. Hb E was detected in 5 persons (1.79%), one of whom was a double heterozygote for Hb S and Hb E. One Hb S + α-thalassaemia and 7 Hb S with elevated Hb A’ 2 combinations were found. The β-thalassaemia gene prevalence was 0.0377. Hb A 2 was found in 4 persons (1.42...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1972) 22 (4): 323–330.
Published Online: 27 August 2008
..., and there was a reciprocal relationship between the frequencies of the haemoglobin E and the β-thalassaemia genes. 27 8 2008 © 1972 S. Karger AG, Basel 1972 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced...