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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1985) 35 (3): 190–192.
Published Online: 02 September 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Esterase D polymorphism Mother-child combinations Sweden Short Communications Hum. Hered. 35: 190-192 (1985) © 1985 S. Karger AG, Basel 0001-5652/85/0353-0190 S 2.75/0 Population and Mother-Child Study of Esterase D in Sweden...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1987) 37 (1): 30–35.
Published Online: 02 September 2008
... of natural selection. The average index for the period 1805-1850 was I = 1.136, which value falls within the limits of what has been found for the other Swedish populations that have been studied. Crow’s index Population study Demography Sweden 2 9 2008 © 1987 S. Karger AG...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1982) 32 (5): 357–361.
Published Online: 29 August 2008
...Margareta Svensson; Gunilla Wetterling 2,135 individuals from Sweden and 718 mother-child pairs involved in paternity cases have been PGM 1 typed by isoelectric focusing. The calculated gene frequencies are: PGM a 1 1 0.6136, PGM a 1 2 0.1555, PGM a 1 3 0.1642 and PGM a 1 4 0.0656. The capability...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1982) 32 (6): 408–417.
Published Online: 29 August 2008
... morbidity ratios Standardized rate ratios Västerbotten Sweden Hum. Hered. 32: 408-417(1982) Incidence of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus among Children in a North-Swedish Population 1938-1977 B. Hagglofa, G. Holmgren>h, S. Wall1-' 'Department of Paediatrics, bClinical Genetics, University...