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Keywords: Skewness
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (2017) 81 (2): 117–126.
Published Online: 12 January 2017
... information. Methods: The main challenge is to accurately and rapidly evaluate the significance for millions of SNPs. We propose methods for approximating p values by correcting for the multiple testing introduced by testing many distance matrices and by correcting for the skewness and kurtosis of score...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (2003) 55 (2-3): 108–116.
Published Online: 01 September 2003
... error for MLVC analysis. Herein, we considered transforming the sib pair phenotypes using the Box-Cox family of transformations. Data were simulated for normal and non-normal (skewed and kurtic) distributions. Phenotypic values were replaced by Box-Cox transformed values. Twenty thousand replications...