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Keywords: Lod score analysis
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (1994) 44 (1): 44–51.
Published Online: 03 September 2008
... of the affected sib-pair tests, is equivalent to lod score analysis for an assumed recessive mode of inheritance, irrespective of the true mode of the disease. Further relationships of certain sib-pair tests and lod score analysis under specific assumed genetic modes are investigated. 30 03 1993 30 08...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hum Hered (2005) 59 (1): 21–25.
Published Online: 18 April 2005
.... Linkage analysis Mean test Affected sib triplets Lod score analysis Original Paper Hum Hered 2005;59:21 25 DOI: 10.1159/000084733 Received: September 1, 2004 Accepted after revision: October 7, 2004 Published online: March 30, 2005 A Note on Linkage Analysis with Affected Sib Triplets Michael Knapp...