We performed multipoint linkage analysis using 83 markers from the SNP Consortium (TSC) SNP linkage map in 3 regions covering 190 cM previously scanned with microsatellite markers and found to be linked to type 2 diabetes. Since the average linkage disequilibrium present in the TSC SNP marker clusters is relatively low, we assumed the intracluster genetic distances were a reasonable small nonzero distance (0.03 cM) and performed linkage analysis using GENEHUNTER PLUS and ASM linkage analysis software. We found that for the pedigree structures and missing data patterns in our samples the average information content in all three regions and the LOD score curves in two regions obtained from the TSC SNP markers were similar to results obtained from microsatellite marker maps with 10 cM average spacing. We also give an algorithm which extends the Lander-Green algorithm to permit multipoint linkage analysis of clusters of tightly linked markers with arbitrarily high levels of intracluster linkage disequilibrium.