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Human Heredity

International Journal of Human and Medical Genetics

Editors: Perdry, Hervé (Villejuif)

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Methodological and Applied Genetic Research - from Populations to Disease Mechanisms

Gathering original research reports and short communications from all over the world, Human Heredity is devoted to methodological and applied research on the genetics of human populations, association and linkage analysis, genetic mechanisms of disease, and new methods for statistical genetics, for example, analysis of rare variants and results from next-generation sequencing. The value of this information to many branches of medicine is shown by the number of citations the journal receives in fields ranging from immunology and hematology to epidemiology and public health planning. Special issues on methodological topics (such as “Consanguinity and Genomics” in 2014; “Integration of Omics Data in Genetic Epidemiology” in 2015) or reviews of advances in particular fields (“Genetic Diversity in European Populations: Evolutionary Evidence and Medical Implications” in 2014; “Genes and the Environment in Obesity” in 2013) are published every year. Renowned experts in the field are invited to contribute to these special issues.

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ISCN 2024 is an indispensable reference volume for human cytogeneticists, molecular biologists, technicians, and students for the interpretation and communication of human cytogenomic nomenclature.

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2022 Nobel Prize on Physiology or Medicine

Congratulations to Svante Pääbo, former Karger author and winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize on Physiology or Medicine.

For his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution, former Human Heredity and Chemical Immunology and Allergy author Svante Pääbo has been awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize on Physiology or Medicine. We wish to congratulate Svante on this outstanding achievement and thank him for pushing the boundaries of genetic research into new and exciting territories.

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