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Journal Articles
Human Development (2021) 65 (5-6): 257–269.
Published Online: 17 September 2021
... to be better understood from a psychological and developmental perspective. Four areas that reflect theoretical changes in human development research are featured in this issue: (a) socialization theories about race; (b) ethnic/racial identity and development; (c) developmental social identity and moral...
Journal Articles
Human Development (2014) 57 (4): 213–221.
Published Online: 08 August 2014
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Context Developmental psychology Ethnic identity Ethnicity As a developmental psychologist (DP) - the abbreviation refers to both practitioners and the discipline...
Journal Articles
Human Development (2014) 57 (4): 206–212.
Published Online: 08 August 2014
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Developmentalists Developmental psychology Ethnicity Research Theory Per Gjerde's compelling essay [this issue...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1971) 14 (1): 30–38.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
... Development Class inclusion Perception Language Ethnicity Order of presentation Human Develop. 14: 30-38 (1971) Some Relationships between Class Inclusion, Perceptual Capabilities, Verbal Capabilities and Race J. S. Carlson University of California, Riverside, Cal. Abstract. The purpose...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1976) 19 (1): 56–64.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
...Robert J. Havighurst Human social and cognitive development is largely an outcome of the child-rearing practices of the cultural subgroups which make up a modern complex society. The social classes are the most pervasive and powerful in their influence. However, ethnic subgroups (defined in terms...
Journal Articles
Human Development (2004) 47 (3): 185–191.
Published Online: 21 June 2004
... from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. African-American culture Child socialization Ethnicity Race Commentary Human Development 2004;47:185 191 DOI: 10.1159/000077990 Linking Race and Ethnicity to Culture: Steps along the Road from...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Human Development (2002) 45 (4): 294–298.
Published Online: 18 July 2002
...Ana Mari Cauce This paper raises the question of how to best capture dynamic cultural processes in empirical research related to ethnic minority children and youth''s mental health. Three constructs, acculturation, ethnic identity, and ethnic minority socialization, are presented as examples...