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Keywords: Dialectics
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Journal Articles
Human Development (1990) 33 (2-3): 138–159.
Published Online: 08 January 2010
...James J. Dowd Since the appearance in the mid-1970s of Riegel’s dialectical theory of human development, there has been a convergence between psychological theories of human development and sociological theories of socialization. Although this shared understanding has much to recommend...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1988) 31 (6): 329–348.
Published Online: 08 January 2010
...Thomas Bidell As interest grows in relating social and individual approaches to development, traditional antipathies between Piagetian and Vygotskian theories are giving way to an interest in understanding relationships between them. A dialectical approach, shared by both theories, is proposed...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1988) 31 (3): 158–175.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
... is the author’s idea of the framework , which is both a product of the other two and mediates between them. All three are argued to have an intimate dialectical interrelation that can produce growth, expertise, and creativity, but also illuminates the conditions of stagnation and lack of development. 7 1...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1985) 28 (1): 10–24.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
.... Activity Dialectics Materialism Ontogeny Personality development Self-concept Sociocultural factors Values Hum. Dev. 28: 10-24 (1985) © 1985 S. Karger AG, Basel 0 0 18-716 X /85/0281 -0 0 10S2.75/0 Propositions to a Marxist Theory of Personality R obert Smith Key Words. Activity Dialectics...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1978) 21 (5-6): 316–326.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Morris A. Okun; Elizabeth C. Fisk; Larry W. Toppenberg The application of the dialectic orientation to adult education is discussed. More specifically, the dialectic framework developed by Riegel is used to sketch a model of instruction and to delineate some implications for teaching adults...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1978) 21 (5-6): 346–369.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
... of developmental psychology. Hardesty and Baltes provide an introduction and a personal view. Birren reflects upon Riegel’s early career and the basis for his interest in dialectics. Freedle reviews Riegel’s interests in the study of language, extending this to pidgin languages and general systems approaches...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1978) 21 (5-6): 289–301.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Claude M.J. Braün; Jacinthe M.C. Baribeau This article analyzes the epistemological and logical foundations of Kohlberg’s cognitive-developmental theory of moral development. Kohlberg’s understanding of dialectics is criticized and an attempt is made to introduce a dialectical materialist outlook...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1981) 24 (6): 357–365.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
... emerging and influencing a changing cultural environment. Original Papers Hum Dev. 24: 357-365 (1981) Play: Dormant Issues and New Perspectives Brian Vandenberg' University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo., USA Key Words. Development Dialectics Evolution Imitation Play Abstract. The role...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1982) 25 (6): 423–429.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Hayne W. Reese ‘Dialectics’ has several accepted modern senses, referring to, among other things: (a) dialogue or debate; (b) a method for ascertaining truth; and (c) a type of model, the two presently dominant versions of which are dialectical idealism and dialectical materialism. These versions...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1984) 27 (1): 1–19.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
... intersubjective consensus. It is through a dialectically informed narration that a new conceptualization of development, founded upon the approximation toward self-constructed ends, can emerge. The reading of this development will necessitate critical reflection as to what its optimal forms are and how they might...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1978) 21 (4): 248–254.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Dene S. Berman Cognitive-behavioral theory as developing in a dialectic manner is discussed. After presenting the dialectic process of how opposites unite, cognitive and behavioral theories are portrayed as having opposing images of man. These conceptual opposites are united under cognitive...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1980) 23 (4): 217–267.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...David F. Hultsch; Leon Rappoport; Richard M. Lerner; Ellen A. Skinner; Gwendolyn T. Sorell; John A. Meacham; Howard Gadlin; Kenneth J. Gergen The papers of this symposium examine, within the context of several content areas, the methodological implications of a dialectical perspective. Rappoport...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1981) 24 (3): 172–194.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Louis A. Fourcher The notion of a developmental scheme in psychology is examined by way of a phenomenological analysis. Reflective experience is approached as a dialectic of ‘formal’ and ‘existential relativity’. Developmental schemes are viewed as closed formal depictions of the dialectic which...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1983) 26 (4): 222–232.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
..., quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Adult development Cognitive development Cognitive processes Dialectics...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1980) 23 (6): 361–399.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
... understood in terms of organismic (active organism) or mechanistic (reactive organism) metaphors, have also changed. Recently, dialectical and ecological approaches to psychological development have appeared. A symposium was presented at the American Psychological Association meetings on the relationship...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1981) 24 (1): 33–51.
Published Online: 23 December 2009
...Charles Tolman The intention of this paper is to criticize Klaus Riegel’s conception of dialectics. Dialectics is distinguished from the metaphysic of properties and the metaphysic of relations. The importance to dialectics of understanding movement, contradiction and development in terms...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1975) 18 (1-2): 97–118.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
...Roy Freedle Two aspects of dialectical psychology are considered: (1) The synthesis of a larger cognitive system from two previously separate parent systems; this leads to a consideration of how each parent system may undergo accommodation and assimilation as a result of synthesis. (2...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1975) 18 (1-2): 50–64.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
...Klaus F. Riegel A dialectical theory of development is concerned with short-term situational changes, e.g., in the dialogue between mother and child, and long-term developmental changes, e.g., in the career development of husband and wife. A dialectical theory deem-phasizes equilibrium or balance...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1975) 18 (1-2): 1–17.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
...James Lawler Although Piaget’s psychological theory is developmental and ‘dialectical’ in a general way, lack of a developed philosophical basis leads to the subordination of a dialectical approach to static, anti-dialectical concepts. A study of Hegel’s theory of interaction and contradiction...
Journal Articles
Human Development (1975) 18 (3): 205–222.
Published Online: 18 December 2009
...Steinar Kvale The metaphysical character of psychological memory research that originated with Ebbinghaus is pointed out. This research emphasizes isolated, static elements and quantitative relationships; it often implies the concept of a permanent memory. In contrast, a dialectical approach...