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Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (2021) 86 (1-2): 88–93.
Published Online: 17 February 2021
... of the myometrium in this period enables us to better comprehend the labor process and further manage it effectively. Thus far, no metabolomic studies on the human myometrium have attempted to investigate metabolic changes and identify potential biomarkers during labor. Herein, we sought to apply a nontargeted...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (2012) 73 (1): 63–69.
Published Online: 21 December 2011
...Tijen Kaya; Barıs Karadas; Ahmet Altun; İkram Sarac; Ihsan Bagcivan Background/Aims: Recent evidence supports a predominant role of β 3 -adrenoceptors at the end of pregnancy in myometrium. This study was designed to characterize the pharmacology of the selective β 3 -adrenoceptor agonist CL 316243...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Gynecologic Investigation (1974) 5 (5-6): 284–300.
Published Online: 18 March 2010
...R.E. Garfield; E.E. Daniel The ultrastructure of rat myometrium was studied to determine the types and relative number of cell-to-cell contacts between smooth muscle cells after various hormonal treatments. Intermediate and close contacts were present between cells of the longitudinal and circular...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1982) 14 (3): 202–213.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
...D.J. Crankshaw; E. Romaniuk; L.A. Branda Receptors for oxytocin were identified in a particulate fraction from the myometrium of the pregnant ewe. Specific binding of [ 3 H]-oxytocin was rapid, reversible, and saturable. It showed an absolute requirement for Mg 2+ and the selectivity among oxytocin...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1979) 10 (6): 298–305.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
...D.J. Crankshaw; J.R.G. Challis; J.E. Patrick; E.E. Daniel Fractionation of pregnant sheep myometrium has been carried out and the fractions obtained analysed for their marker enzyme content and Ca 2+ transporting properties. A fairly pure mitochondrial fraction and a very pure plasma membrane...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1983) 16 (6): 341–353.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
...F. Cavaillé; J.J. Leger Electrophoretic systems were used to quantify and characterize the main proteins involved in myometrium contraction, i.e., myosin, actin, and tropomyosin. Skeletin, a cytoskeletal component was also investigated. No difference in their respective concentrations could...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1984) 17 (2): 78–83.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
.... Prostaglandin E2 Prostacyclin Sarcoplasmic reticulum Microsomes Calcium ionophore Myometrium Abstract. Smooth muscle microsomal vesicles were loaded with calcium in the presence of oxalate and ATP. The intact vesicles that contained calcium oxalate crystals were separated by ultracentrifugation from...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1983) 15 (3): 147–152.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
...A. Milwidsky; A. Gutman Glycogen concentration and the activities of enzymes of glycogen metabolism in myometrium of pre- and postmenopausal and pregnant women and in myomas were determined. Glycogen concentration in muscle from nonpregnant women was about 3 mg/g and rose to 13 mg/g in tissues...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1984) 18 (5): 230–233.
Published Online: 16 March 2010
...A. Milwidsky; A. Gal; M. Mayer The potential involvement of intracellular proteases in the pathophysiology of fibromyoma was studied by assay of activity of two proteolytic enzymes in fibromyoma and adjacent normal myometrium. Protease I, a soluble acid protease and protease II, a particulate...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1989) 27 (2): 57–61.
Published Online: 02 March 2010
...Satish C. Batra; Lars D. Popper The binding properties of the calcium channel inhibitor [ 3 H]-nitrendipine to membrane fragments prepared from nonpregnant and pregnant human myometrium were investigated. Specific binding sites with high affinity and low capacity were identified in both pregnant...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1989) 28 (2): 78–81.
Published Online: 02 March 2010
...Lars D. Popper; Satish C. Batra; Mats Åkerlund High concentrations of magnesium (12 and 24 m M ) in the extracellular medium markedly inhibited both spontaneous activity and K + -induced contracture in strips of nonpregnant human myometrium. Net calcium influx measured by the uptake of 45 Ca 2...
Journal Articles
Gynecol Obstet Invest (1990) 29 (1): 6–9.
Published Online: 02 March 2010
... be performed for quantification of the relaxing effects on the uterus and to determine the optimal analogue for clinical trials in preterm labor and dysmenorrhoea. Oxytocin Vasopressin Oxytocin analogues Myometrium Oxytocin receptor sites Vasopressin receptor sites © 1990 S. Karger AG, Basel 1990...
Journal Articles