Objectives: To determine whether clomiphene citrate (CC) can be implicated as a cause for central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and other visual disturbances. Methods: For this systematic review, we performed a search of the following databases: PubMed (1976 to November 2009), Medline Plus 2009, Cochrane Library (1996 to November 2009), Google and Google Scholar (1996 to November 2009). Thirty-five relevant titles (25 full papers and 10 abstracts) were identified and read by authors. No review has been published in the literature. The publications included describe adverse effects with clomid and selective estrogen receptor modulators and in particular visual disturbances. The population consisted of infertility patients under ovulation induction with CC. The main outcome measures were loss of vision due to CRVO and other visual changes. Results: CC may predispose to CRVO, but further trials are clearly needed in this area. Conclusion: Physicians should be aware of the potential risk of CC, especially in patients with associated risk factors for CRVO. If visual disturbances occur, therapy should be terminated and the patient referred for specialist ophthalmic care.

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