Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the voiding symptoms of pregnant women and to compare the symptoms amongst trimesters and controls by means of the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Materials and Methods: Voiding symptoms of 256 pregnant and 230 non-pregnant healthy women hospitalized for other reasons were evaluated. Subjects who had a history of urological and neurological problems or previous pelvic surgery associated with urinary symptoms and those who had urinary tract infection were excluded from the study. The pregnant group was then subdivided into subgroups as to the trimesters of pregnancy. The IPSS assesses seven symptoms on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 5 (symptom always present) and was administered as a self-administered questionnaire with the assistance of a trained nurse. Symptom scores of each group and subgroup and the distribution of scores were assessed. Results: The mean scores for all questions in the pregnant group were significantly higher than controls. The comparison of mean scores according to trimesters showed a significant difference for the questions of frequency, intermittency, urgency, weak stream, nocturia, quality of life and for the total scores. The distribution of the scores for each question showed that frequency and nocturia were the most prominent symptoms in pregnancy. The percentage of the respondents with an IPSS score of >7 was 47.6% and the percentage of a quality of life score of ≧4 (mostly dissatisfied) was 48.4%. Conclusions: Voiding symptoms during pregnancy are highly prevalent. These symptoms worsen as the pregnancy progresses.