This prospective comparative study was carried out to assess the value of sonohysterography (SHG) in evaluating both the endometrial cavity and tubal patency in infertile patients and to compare its results with hysterosalpingography (HSG), diagnostic hysteroscopy and laparoscopic chromopertubation. It comprised 84 infertile women who were examined using SHG the day before combined diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Eighty-three patients had had HSG within 6 months. As regards the appearance of the endometrial cavity, the results of SHG agreed with hysteroscopy in 72.2% (k = 0.31) while HSG agreed with hysteroscopy in 75.6% (k = 0.39) of cases. The appearance of the right and left tubes using SHG agreed with laparoscopy in 72.4% (k = 0.16) and 60.5% (k = 0.13), respectively, while HSG agreed with laparoscopy in 94% (k = 0.52) and 90.4% (k = 0.51), respectively. However, when the appearance of fluid in DP was considered as an indirect indicator of patency of at least one tube at SHG, the agreement with laparoscopy rised to 88.1% (k = 0.24) and 85.7% (k = 0.18) for both tubes respectively. In conclusion, SHG is similar to HSG as regards the appearance of the endometrial cavity but it is inferior to it for evaluating tubal factor. The implication of SHG in the infertility work-up as a simple and fast procedure can minimize costs and abuses of sophisticated techniques particularly in the developing countries with limited resources.