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Keywords: Aging
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Journal Articles
Gerontologia (1972) 18 (5-6): 305–320.
Published Online: 01 April 2009
...Margaret L. Heidrick; T. Makinodan Studies investigating deficiencies of immunocompetent cells of aged mice indicate the following. (1) Both the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses decline with advancing age. (2) Approximately 10% of the decline in the humoral response can be attributed...
Journal Articles
Gerontologia (1975) 21 (1): 10–20.
Published Online: 01 April 2009
...Nina G. Schneider; Ellen R. Gritz; Murray E. Jarvik In an initial study, differences in learning and immediate recall were observed for groups of young and aged subjects on several measures. Retest data showed some differential loss for aged subjects after 1 week. Conclusions regarding long-term...