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Journal Name Change
Continued with Vol. 22 (1976) as: Gerontology.
Gerontologia 1970, Vol. 16, No. 2
Original Paper
Das Altern der Skelettmuskulatur. I.: Die Restitution des Kreatinphosphates der Skelettmuskulatur nach Arbeit bei Ratten verschiedenen Alters
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 65–71.
Das Altern der Skelettmuskulatur. II.: Untersuchungen an der Myofibrillen-Adenosin-5’-Triphosphatase bei verschieden alten Ratten
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 72–76.
Electronmicroscopic Analysis of Thermal Collagen Denaturation in Rat Tail Tendons
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 77–82.
Ageing-Like Changes of Collagen Fibers During Storage in vitro
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 83–95.
Age Changes of Dry Weight and Collagen Content of the Skeleton of the Rat
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 104–110.
Survival Curves of an Old Age Rat Colony
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 111–115.
Structural and Functional Changes in Nucleoprotein During the Ageing of the Cell: Critical Review
Subject Area:
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Gerontologia (1970) 16 (2): 116–128.