The aim of this study is to check the following 2 hypotheses: (1).Has the age factor a different influence on learning abilities and retention in normal individuals? (2). Has the age factor the same qualitative effects on learning abilities and retention as brain damage? In order to check the 1st hypothesis, the scores recorded when 2 groups of normal individuals underwent a verbal learning test were compared. Both groups were matched as far as social and cultural level was concerned; age varied from 55 to 69 within the 1st group and from 70 to 84 within the 2nd one. In order to check the 2nd hypothesis, the scores recorded when 46 brain damaged subjects underwent the same test were compared with those obtained for 46 subjects randomized in the healthy sample. Both groups were matched as far as age, sex as well as social and cultural level were concerned. In order to assess learning abilities, the subjects were asked to recall the material they had just learnt. In order to assess retention, they were asked to recall the material they had learnt 2 h beforehand. As the delayed recall is evidently dependent upon the learning process, the scores obtained after a delay were dealt with through a covariance analysis. From the results, it is possible to draw the following conclusions: (1). In normal individuals, aging involves a loss of learning abilities, but does not disturb retention. (2). In brain damaged subjects, not only learning abilities, but also retention appear to be seriously disturbed, hence the effects of age and those of brain damage are not qualitatively identical.