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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1994) 40 (Suppl. 2): 16–22.
Published Online: 14 April 2009
... vasopressin Dehydration Sex difference Abstract The present study was performed to evaluate the role of cen­ tral vasopressin in cardiovascular regulation. First, a novel vasopressin VI antagonist (OPC21268) was injected intracerebroventricularly in conscious rats. In water-deprived ani­ mals, the mean...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1988) 34 (1-2): 55–63.
Published Online: 07 April 2009
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. P-450 Sex difference Autonomic nervous control Glycogen metabolism Receptor protein mobility Gerontology 34: 55-63...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1985) 31 (6): 381–390.
Published Online: 07 April 2009
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Doppler A/B ratio Cerebral arteries Sex difference Clinical Section Gerontology 31: 381-390 (1985) ©1985S. Karger AG, Basel 0304-3 24X/85/0316-0381 $2.75/0 Erythrocyte Flow...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2009) 55 (4): 371–378.
Published Online: 20 February 2009
... adaptations developed to ensure reproductive success show sex differences, such as in error management. The most obvious function of sexual behavior is reproduction. To foster the benefits for the offspring, reproduction partners should also develop an emotional bond, which is mediated by hormones connected...