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Keywords: Individual differences
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Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2016) 62 (3): 311–315.
Published Online: 29 January 2016
.... Successful aging Age Aging Health Cognition Well-being Pathology Genetics Immune system Cohort Individual differences Berlin Aging Study Heterogeneity in virtually each and every aspect of life is one of the hallmarks of aging [ 1,2 ]. Some people do reach old and very old age in good...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2015) 61 (3): 223–231.
Published Online: 19 March 2015
...Daniel Zimprich; Tanja Kurtz Typically, subjective memory assessments (be it in form of single items or questionnaires) in old age only weakly correlate with the performance in objective memory tests at cross-section. It thus appears as if individual differences in subjective memory assessments...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2004) 50 (4): 255–258.
Published Online: 08 July 2004
... and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Intra-individual variation Cognitive decline Individual differences Behavioural Science Section Gerontology 2004;50...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2002) 48 (2): 109–111.
Published Online: 27 February 2002
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Stress resistance Aging Longevity Individual differences Debate Gerontology 2002;48:109 111 Received: April 10, 2001...