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Keywords: Geriatric jurisprudence
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Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2019) 65 (1): 98–102.
Published Online: 19 June 2018
... Gerontological education Geriatric jurisprudence Cross-disciplinary training It has been four decades since Cohen [ 1 ], then Editor-in-Chief of The Gerontologist, first urged lawyers and gerontologists to work together, wryly noting that “law and aging is too important to leave to the lawyers...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2012) 58 (3): 193–196.
Published Online: 18 January 2012
... that attempts to combine jurisprudence with geriatrics. Geriatric jurisprudence is a special and timely opportunity for doctors and lawyers to come together in a new, different and more united way to jointly conceptualize a medico-legal theory of aging to better serve our shared community: older and aging...