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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1996) 42 (2): 87–96.
Published Online: 15 April 2009
... are reports on the influence of melatonin on the brain and the immune system. More research data are urgently needed in order to more clearly define the possible sites and mechanisms of these actions. Clinical studies need to be performed in order to identify possible side effects of long-term melatonin...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1995) 41 (Suppl. 2): 173–186.
Published Online: 15 April 2009
... the relationship between lipofuscin (LF) accumulation and the aging process by examining the effect of lifelong CR on LF accumulation in brain cells. Specifically, 1) we include age groups of CR (CRl ≡ 90 kcal/wk and CR2 ≡ 58 kcal/wk) and ad libidum fed (AL; ∼120 kcal/wk) mice including groups at maximum lifespan...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1991) 37 (Suppl. 1): 3–11.
Published Online: 08 April 2009
...N. Sasaki; K. Nakamura; K. Kubota; H. Uchimura The structural properties of receptors for insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in human brain were studied. Brain membranes were incubated with 125 I-IGF-I or II, cross-linked with disuccinimidyl suberate and subjected to electrophoresis under reducing...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1991) 37 (1-3): 5–32.
Published Online: 08 April 2009
... to absorb the IgG isolated from senescent erythrocytes and immunoblotting studies. In mammalian brain, band 3 performs the same functions as that of erythroid band 3. These functions are anion transport, ankyrin binding, and generation of senescent cell antigen, an aging antigen that terminates the life...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1990) 36 (Suppl. 1): 10–14.
Published Online: 08 April 2009
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Synapse Brain Membrane potential Aging Membrane aging Na + , K...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1987) 33 (3-4): 136–148.
Published Online: 07 April 2009
... to in the content or advertisements. Nucleic acids Proteins Brain Aging Gerontology 33: 136-148 (1987) © 1987 S. Karger A G . Basel 0304-324X/87/0334-0l36$2.75 Macromolecular Turnover in Brain during Aging A M. Giuffnda Stellaa , A. Lajthab Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1984) 30 (2): 87–93.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
...D. Bhaskaran; E. Radha The inhibitory effect of procaine hydrochloride and Gerovital-H3 on monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in the rat brain was studied at six time points during the 24-hour cycle. It was found that the percent inhibition is time dependent. Both drugs showed maximum inhibition when...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1985) 31 (2): 95–100.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
...H. Cao Danh; M. Strolin Benedetti; P. Dostert Glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was measured in whole brain, different brain areas, liver and heart of 23- to 26-month-old rats, and then compared to matched animals of 3 months. A significant increase of GS activity was found in whole brain (25...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1984) 30 (3): 159–166.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
...H. Cao Danh; M. Strolin Benedetti; P. Dostert Aldehyde reductase (AR) activity was measured in the brain, liver and heart of 23- to 26-month-old and 3-month-old male Wistar rats, using 5 substrates ( p -nitrobenzalde-hyde, D -glucuronate, D -xylose, DL -glyceraldehyde and pyridine 3-aldehyde...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1982) 28 (5): 303–313.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
... (norepinephrine and dopamine), but not serotonin (5-HT) changed with aging in the several brain regions, but only 5-HT was significantly changed (elevated) by ECS. Protein synthesis was significantly inhibited by ECS, notably in limbic structures. The increased susceptibility of aging mice to the amnesic effect...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1980) 26 (5): 265–269.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
...M. Le Poncin-Lafitte; J.R. Rapin Cerebral blood flow, studied by means of a diffusible indicator, remains unchanged in the aging process (developmental changes). On the contrary, brain activity, evaluated by deoxyglucose uptake, is significantly reduced. Papaverine, which increases cerebral blood...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1979) 25 (4): 185–191.
Published Online: 06 April 2009
...Michael S. Parmacek; Jacob H. Fox; William H. Harrison; David C. Garron; Dennis Swenie Brain slices of mice (strain CBF 1 ) were used to study the effect of aging on cerebral cortex respiration and metabolism. Young animals (average age 6 months) were compared with old animals (average age 34...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (1978) 24 (2): 95–103.
Published Online: 03 April 2009
...M.C. McNamara; A.T. Miller, jr.; A.L. Shen; J.J. Wood The rates of restitution of skeletal muscle, heart, and brain creatine phosphate and brain ATP, following experimental depletion, were compared in young (3–5 month), adult (12 month) and old (24 month) rats. In skeletal muscle, restitution...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2002) 48 (1): 34–38.
Published Online: 13 February 2002
... the antioxidant enzymes of the brain protecting from oxidative damages which accumulate with aging are regulated by Al in an age-dependent manner. Method: The inhibitory effect of Al on the catalase activity of brain homogenates of two species of poikilothermic vertebrates was studied in vitro using...
Journal Articles
Journal: Gerontology
Gerontology (2000) 46 (1): 7–11.
Published Online: 13 December 1999
... and detoxification of lipid peroxidation products, there have been extremely limited studies of GST in the ageing brain. The drug chlorpromazine is known to have an activating influence on the activities of certain antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, etc.) and it also has anti-lipid...